The MockStockTrading Program has now been adopted by SoLa and Horizons
The MockStockTrading Program has now been adopted by SoLa and Horizons
An educational experience to help underserved kids gain a basic understanding about the stock market and investing.
Building a stock portfolio by investing virtual money in companies they have researched and like.
A fun competitive experience to help give the kids an opportunity to showcase their new investing knowledge
Henry Benton, a student at New Canaan High School in Connecticut first came into contact with the children of South Central LA through a community impact program named SoLa.
Sola reached out to Henry and asked him if there was a way he could contribute to the program's financial literacy program.
Henry's passion has been investing since the age of 7 when he bought his first share of Google for $484. He has been watching stocks, researching companies and investing ever since.
The Mock Stock Trading Challenge
Henry first came into contact with the youth of South Central Los Angeles through a community impact program named "SoLa ICan".
SoLa reached out to Henry after he offered to help in any way he could. When they asked if he could help simply improve financial literacy for these disadvantaged youth, he went right away to his passion- investing. He knew with a little bit of knowledge he could help change the lives of these young students.
The following year Henry was called by a national organization founded in 1964 who had seen his program in the local paper and wanted to bring it to their program. This was Horizons. This program wasn't only investing though, it was an entire financial literacy program that encompassed everything from budgeting to careers in investing. Due to COVID-19 he had to digitize it, but it went very well and was very well received.
Contact us to provide an all volunteer program to teach your youth group about investing.